Catchy è stata una delle startup innovative protagoniste del Future Media Lab., annuale conferenza nata per promuovere l’incontro tra giornalisti, produttori d’informazione e nuove realtà digitali. Oggetto dell’intervento di Catchy è stato il progetto Compass, una bussola per combattere il propagarsi delle fake news risultata vincitrice del fondo Digital News Initiative di Google per il 2016. A salire sul palco Alice Andreuzzi e Gianni Riotta che, impersonificando Miss Compass e Mr Fake News, hanno portato in scena il lavoro che nel progetto è svolto da macchine, complessi algoritmi e accorti giornalisti.

Di seguito il transcript dell’intervento:

Good day Ladies and Gentlemen, May I introduce myself? I am Mr. Fake News, look kind of respectable right? I hide comfortably in the old media world, hey I even chomp a cigar!, yet I lurk comfortably on the web, all I need is this little guy. And who are you young lady? –Gianni mostra sigaro e cellular.

Hi everybody. I am Compass, a tool created by the Italian start up Catchy, with the help of Google DNI. Compass catches Mr. Fake News’ lies, with algorithms grading the credibility of international news sources and allowing users to rate dispatches and information from traditional media, blogs, even sources rarely mentioned on newspapers or operating from remote locations. Alice sorride, e fa un piccolo inchino.

Sure you do honey! And where do you intend to catch me? In Russia, 55 Savushkina Street, where hundreds of trolls and hackers, covertly sponsored by the authorities, spread lies poisoning the free debate all over the world? Do you, Miss, catch me in Macedonia, a spring board for more volleys of fake news sounding truer than any harrumphing on New York Times op ed page?

No, Sir, Compass does not work like that. We know it is impossible to catch you, not for nothing we are called Catchy! We rate you day and night, and we offer the public opinion a light, Red Yellow Green so that citizens may navigate the web at ease, avoiding the Lie quicksands, mooring their opinions –whatever they may be!- at least in clear waters.

Sure you do…Miss what is your name miss?

Alice, Sir, Alice Andreuzzi.

So Miss Alice, you promise Compass and Catchy will take us back in Wonderland, where a street light will rank Truth and False! Not even the Pope does that anymore! Are you aware professor Derrida convinced the whole world there is not such thing as Truth?

Nice try, Mister Fake News, nice try. Alas we have no time for a philosophical debate here. Catchy Compass will not show people how to think, simply how to be aware if the spring they drink at, is poisoned by pesky trolls or might nations. After that, they are free to make their own decisions.

You are a fool Alice and delude yourself. Even Saint John knows that, in his Gospel 3:19 Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light…

You, Mister Fake News are indeed Master of the Half Baked Quote! Tell our friends more about John, when he states briskly Eight:Thirtytwo “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. This is what Catchy Compass intends to do, Sir, no more, no less.